How To Write Effective AI Prompts (Updated)

My updated tips on creating the best possible AI prompts

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If you want AI to work for you, you have to know how to talk to it.

I’ve been grinding on AI since November 2022, and I recently taught a 3-hour live course on how I’ve integrated AI into my everyday workflows. One of the topics I covered was how to create concise and effective prompts.


Here’s some detail on each of these points.

I use Markdown because it’s simple, and simple is good for reading/editing.

One of the most important things about prompts is transparency. They have to be legible and super easy to read and edit. Markdown is perfect for that.

A prompt written in Markdown

As you can see above, this format makes it super clear what’s going on. You have clear sections at different levels, combined with numbered and bulleted lists.

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