Dynamic Content Generation (DCG)

Dynamic Content Generation will change how all media is created and consumed
July 14, 2024

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I think a large percentage of media, including education, is about to be disrupted by AI in a surprising way.

Instead of consuming content from the original content creator, we will be consuming AI-generated content that’s customized specifically for us.

The customization will have the following primary dimensions:

  • Format (audio, video, text, combination, etc.)

  • Style (presentation, movie, comic, play, story, etc.)

  • Duration (10 second clip, 5 1-hour episodes, a 20 book series, etc.)

  • Presenter (your favorite pop star, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Richard Feynman, etc.)

In reverse order:

We’ll be able to have any presenter (via deepfake), present any content to you, of any duration, in any style, and in any format.


Use cases:

  • You only have 10 minutes before a big meeting and you need a 5-minute video explainer

  • Your child has a learning disability so you need all the content from a given class explained to them in a particular way

  • You want to learn economics by having Adam Smith debate in video Marx in Oxford style

  • There’s tons of educational content in English, but not in $LANGUAGE

  • People love Graphic Novels but are sad there are so few of them

  • Your kid will listen to anything Taylor Swift says, so now she can teach them how to write an essay

  • You know a given video is very good, but you prefer audio

  • You want to learn Italian but you only have 20 minutes a day during your work commute

  • You love a particular podcast, but you’d rather see it as a video of the creator presenting it live


  • Richard Feynman explains quantum physics to you in a personalized, 10-minute YouTube video.

  • Taylor Swift teaches Calculus via a podcast that your kid listens to 10 minutes a day for a month

  • Your kid who loves comic books learns the concept of actions and repercussions in a comic book series with compelling plot and characters

  • A 120-second video clip of your favorite newscaster giving you the latest news

So imagine you’ve been told that some book is just fantastic, and you know it has some nuggets in it, but you don’t want to spend the 17 hours reading it.

Instead you’ll just consume a 3-minute video of all the best parts.

  • It’s a 3-minute video instead of 17-hour book

  • It’s a perfect deepfake of the author giving that summary

  • The summary compresses it very well, so it kept the most important parts

So now you know the high points.

But even better, you can just tell your DSG service (or your personal AI):

Cool, I liked that. Give me a 20 minute audio version starting on my drive home tonight.

  You talking to your DA named Armin

So now you have a podcast version, also in the author’s voice, but it’s 20 minutes long instead of 3.

Any format, length, and avatar

The power of this will be the complete flexibility in the content you’ll get.

And your DA (or a service your DA has hired) will be working on these constantly for you.

  • Text summaries

  • Audio summaries

  • Video summaries

  • Of any length

  • Performed by any personality

At first it’ll be services, then it’ll be your personal AI

DCG will start as services from companies, where you do the following workflow:

  1. Add your original content sources (videos, podcasts, blogs, etc.)

  2. Define your use cases (see above), e.g., "I have 20 minutes during my commute"

  3. Define what you want to learn or be entertained by

  4. Define your favorite presenters (who will be deepfaked)

  5. Define your favorite formats

These services will then monitor your content feeds for the raw content, and then turn it into your DCG version according to your preferences.

But once we all have our own personal AIs (Digital Assistants), our DAs will be creating this content for us. Or using the services above to do so initially.

So your DA will know you perfectly. Plus it knows your schedule. And it knows your preferences. So it will dynamically create the content you want or need (news, entertainment, education, whatever), based on context. Context that it’s the expert on.

The impact on education

Education will be disrupted the most here.

DSG for education means on-the-fly generation of the perfect content, at the perfect duration, using the ideal teacher, in the perfect format and style. Which can vary from a classroom video to a theater play to a graphic novel.

Plus it can do it in any language, accommodating for any learning disability.

At that point, it’ll seem quite strange to create statically generated video content trying to teach something. Or at least, it’ll seem strange to think that the form you delivered it in will be the form in which it’s consumed.


  1. Much of the content we consume will be DCG’s instead of the original format.

  2. At first, companies will create services that create the DSGs for us.

  3. But within a few years it’ll be our DAs creating the DSGs because they have our full schedule, moods, priorities, etc.

  4. One of the biggest impacts will be on education because learning is such a personal thing, and everyone’s needs are different.