Skip to content A List of Different Case Types
May 26, 2023
- Capitalization Writing the first letter of a word in uppercase, and the rest of the letters in lowercase.
- Title Case All words are capitalized, except non-initial articles like “a, the, and”, etc. Used for…um, titles.
- lowercase All letters in all words are lowercase.
- Sentence case Capitalization just like a standard English sentence, e.g. “The damn has broken.” Many sub-titles use this case format.
- ALL CAPS All letters in every word are capitalized. Used for extreme emphasis and considered rude when used over the Internet.
- SMALL CAPS Only capital letters are used for all letters in all words, but the letters are the size of lowercase letters of the font, not the uppercase.
- CamelCase Words are written without spaces, and the first letter of each word is capitalized. Also called Upper Camel Case or Pascal Casing.
- lowerCamelCase A variation of Camel Case in which the fist letter of the word is lowercase, e.g. iPhone, iPad, etc.
- SNAKE_CASE Punctuation is removed and spaces are replaced by a single underscore. Can be done with either upper or lowercase, but whichever is used should continue to be used.
- Leet Substitutes numbers for some letters that are most similar, e.g. 3’s for E’s, 1’s for I’s, etc.
- StudlyCaps or StickyCaps Random capitalization within a word, or sometimes nonrandom capitalization, but not where it should be, e.g. cAPITALIZING the wrong part of a word because the CAPS LOCK is on.