Why You Should Be Using More Emoji

April 28, 2017

If you’re over 30 you’re probably a bit averse to using emoji to communicate.

You probably think it’s unprofessional, that it’s "not real language", or that it’s a fad that will go away soon. My opinion is that it’s a permanent part of communication (although it’ll evolve into richer forms), and that if you’re not using it you’re limiting yourself.

First, it’s extremely efficient. You can communicate a surprising amount of information with an image, and the range of emotions you can convey is vast.

Second, it’s a new language type, and ignoring it only hurts you, not others.

In short, you can benefit from the expanded range of communication that it offers, and staying embedded in active zeitgeists keeps your mind nimble by exposing it to constant change.

Embrace it, and let it help you grow.

Start using emoji.