Why I’m Getting the iPhone 6 Plus

September 12, 2014

The question of the moment seems to be which iPhone 6 to get. Well, I have my answer, and here’s the rationale structured via pros, cons, and analysis.

iPhone 6 Plus


  • Likely the future of personal devices, it’s the perfect mix of communication device, reader, and gaming platform. It’s also the STTNG form factor.

  • Significantly higher resolution. 1080p is a really compelling resolution from a milestone standpoint.

  • Far better battery.

  • Actual image stabilization. This will be massive for photos and video, which are a major component of this device.

  • Reading will be a pleasure on it. I will get rid of my iPad completely, which I really want to do anyway. One device is highly preferred, and this is the form factor to make that happen.

  • Images and video will be stunning on the larger and higher resolution screen. Showing other people things on a phone is often fruitless because of the size. This form factor makes it quite practical.

  • I can always go back to the phone if I don’t like the new form factor.


  • I’ll feel like a dumbass every time I pull it out (initially, anyway). This will go away quickly if it turns out to be a superior form factor.

  • I’m not sure if it’ll fit in a front pocket comfortably

iPhone 6


  • Fits comfortably in pocket

  • Doesn’t make me feel like an imbecile when I pull it out

  • Remains a familiar interface (phone), as opposed to introducing a new one (phablet)


  • Cautious approach (conservative). The future is likely the phablet, and I refuse to reject this new form factor due to unfamiliarity alone. It’s short-sighted.

  • Lower resolution than the Plus.

  • Worse battery life.

  • Worse camera.

  • Boring choice. I’ll wonder what it was like to have the other one.


If I get the Plus it will not be because I want that big of a phone. I don’t. I think a phone that big is completely ridiculous.

That’s the point: I’m not actually getting a big phone—what I’m doing is switching from a phone to a phablet, and I think this is precisely the right time to do it.

I have simple choice: step into the future of mobile computing, or use a slightly bigger version of the old technology.

Phones are dead. We shouldn’t call them that anymore. They’re "mobiles" "devices". This is only slightly true at the 4.7 size because that’s still a big phone. With the 5.5 it’s not a phone at all; it’s a possible prototype for the new thing we’ll all be using for decades to come.

I choose to take the more adventurous route. I think I’ve talked myself into the iPhone 6 Plus.


  1. I can always switch back if the Plus is too unwieldy.

  2. I very rarely hold my current iPhone to my ear, and it should start to become increasingly strange for people to do so. Wired or wireless earpieces both make communication more natural and unencumbered as well as remove the silliness of having a large device.

  3. Holding your personal device to your ear to talk on it should be considered the same as sliding the carriage on a word processor application. It should be left behind with the previous generation.