I often take criticism for my desire to own expensive things, live in nice neighborhoods, eat in quality restaurants, and otherwise surround myself with what most in the middle class consider to be the upper end of things. When I say I take criticism, what I really mean is that I’m often accused of being a snob.
I don’t actually disagree with what these people are almost saying. The problem is that the word snob already has a meaning, and I prefer that words be used precisely. As such, I think elitist is actually a better way to describe my worldview. It’s still not accurate because I don’t believe in the super-elite building and controlling society over the educated and intelligent, but I do believe in the educated and intelligent controlling society over the uneducated and stupid.
This distinction is important, but I lack the time or perceived need to go into it here, so I’ll continue.
What I really mean to accomplish in this piece is to give a number of examples of why I prefer nice things. These aren’t philosophical "why it’s better to be better" arguments, they’re real-world facts about the state of the world that affect my (and others’) mood.
I’m not likely to be in physical danger.
There’s less trash.
There are fewer potholes.
Fast food restaurants have napkins and condiments out in the common area, as opposed to under security supervision.
There are no bars and no bulletproof glass between me and gas station attendants, and gas station bathrooms might actually be a) unlocked, and b) not gross.
The people in the service industry are likely to be smiling and pleasant, and less likely to treat you as if you’re about to scam/rob/cheat them out of something.
Any BMW dealership I go to in the country I am going to be greeted by people who are happy and pleasant.
I will be treated respectfully, and by the third time I come in they’ll probably have learned my name.
The common area will have free food, drinks, coffee, etc., and the bathroom will be pristine.
I have a Tumi person I buy from. She knows what I own and knows what pieces I might be interested in picking up later. She knows my preferences and will likely tell me if a new line is coming out soon that I want to check out.
The basic idea here is that if you associate yourself with high quality things, the ecosystem that surrounds those things is likely to be highly positive. And I mean that from a mood/mental health standpoint.
I don’t want to be surrounded by poverty, ignorance, and failure. I am too sensitive to it. I pains me to see it–especially when I think I know what causes it, and how to fix it.
I wish to spend my time surrounded by positivity and to have pleasant experiences when I’m doing essential things like traveling, eating, or filling up on gas.
That is why I like nice things. ::