VOIP Phone Selection

January 17, 2009

So I now have fully functioning VOIP at the house using Asterisk, but I currently only have a soft phone, i.e. phone software running on my Mac vs. a real phone.

I’ve been taking my time with picking the actual hardware phones I’m going to get as I want to be sure I make the right decision. And I think I’ve found the solution: the Aastra 57i CT.

It’s the cordless version of the Aastra 57i.

This phone is highly rated by virtually everyone, and even gets an enthusiastic endorsement from Nerd Vittles–the main guy behind PBXinaFlash, which is the PBX I use.

So it looks like I’ll be getting these here shortly; I’m currently hunting for a cheap price on the base (which comes with one cordless handset) and then one additional handset. I can’t wait to get this all set up.

From there I’ll start messing with advanced VOIP features and figure out ways to integrate with my Grand Central account.

Anyway, If any of you have any input on Aastra or the 57i (CT) I’d love to hear from you. ::