
September 4, 2017

This page is an overview of the tools I use in various parts of my life, including the hosting of this website.

The website

This site was started in 1999 at (the now migrated), and initially included writings that I had started from 1996. It now serves as the umbrella and container for all of my life projects.

Web technology stack

  • Hosting: AWS, Medium instance

  • OS: AWS Linux

  • Web Server: Nginx

  • Application Server: PHP-FPM

  • Caching: Nginx in-memory

  • WAF/Proxy: CloudFlare

Creation tooling

Neovim, actually.


  • The logo (new as of April 2021) represents circuitry, a neural net, and connections. The first part of the logo is an upside-down "U", and the second part is an "L". The orphaned dot in the top right solidifies the square shape of the logo and represents a connection that has yet to be made. It’s a reminder that there’s always something more to learn.



  • I use an iPhone, which is always the latest model because I do the leasing thing

  • I have a couple of iPad Pros that I use for drawing and for my Roon controller in the living room


  • I use Roon for my full-home music management. It’s basically the combination of music mangaement, a music player, and ultra-high quality streaming all in one.

  • Music for Unsupervised Learning is by Zomby.


  • The show is called Unsupervised Learning, which is a type of Machine Learning that helps identify patterns in things that might previously have been missed. It also doubles as a concept of unstructured curiosity.



  1. Thanks to my love for both the naming of Unsupervised Learning, and also for the brilliant logo modification suggestion in April of 2021.