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Dropbox hacked
68 million accounts
Back in 2012
Malware infected all Eddie Bauer stores in U.S. and Canada
All 350 stores in North America
Wicked iPhone vulnerability called Trident (3 0days)
All you need to do is follow a link, and you’re jailbroken and compromised
Spyware put out by NSO group out of Israel
Allows them to intercept calls, texts, etc.
Could have been in the wild since iOS7
The crazy thing is that this is just what we know about?
Patch immediately if you haven’t
Locky ransomware targets hospitals in wave of attacks
St. Jude Hack
Pacemaker issues including crashing the device and draining the battery
MuddyWaters does the marketing and shorts the stock
MedCon is the hacker group that finds the vulns and shares the profits
WiKey technology can detect keystrokes
Multiple antennas
97% accurate in lab, with real-world more like 77%
Cisco patches 0day flaw exposed by Equation Group
CrowdStrike integrates ML-based engine into VirusTotal
France and Germany calling for European Decryption Law
Multiple vulnerabilities found by IOActive in BHU routers
Accepts any session ID
SSH resets to known root password on reboot
Possible to use DNSSEC for DDOS attacks
Top 5 ways to compromise networks (Praetorian)
weak domain user passwords
name resolution attacks like (WPAD)
local admin attacks (pass the hash)
cleartext passwords in memory (mimikatz)
insufficient network segmentation
Pokemon institute shows some grim insider threat stats
62% of users report having access to data they shouldn’t
43% of businesses need more than a month to detect people accessing stuff they’re not supposed to
SANS says only 9% are happy with their insider threat controls
Mimecast says 45% of executives say malicious insiders is the email risks they’re least ready for
The Grugq says the Equation Group insider threat option is lame
Alphabet launching ridesbaring service
Tesla teasing product announcement (solar roof)
Instapaper joins Pinterest
Pokémon on major decline
Volkswagen’s 2019 electric car supposed to get 300 miles on a 15-minute charge
JIRA now allowing you to convert tickets into job postings on Upwork’s marketplace
Dice is a ticketmaster competitor
Amazon piloting teams with 30 hour workweeks
Philips Hue motion sensors for the house
Dirty network for dirty devices
Zuckerberg demoing his own personal Jarvis for the house
No home button in 2017 iPhone
Microphones a big problem for tech like Siri, Alexa, Google Now
This is a major obstacle to seamless AI
Apple buys Glimpse for heath record transfer
Apple Pay for health information?
Apple may be building micro-LED technology for 2017 and beyond
Polyworld: Using Evolution to Design Artificial Intelligence
Security Matrices: Linking Attack Surfaces, Threats, and Vulnerabilities
Examples include IoT and Gaming
Unbranded Future Vision
Unsubscribe Risk
The relationship between XSS and CSRF
Dawnscanner: Ruby Auditing Tool
Yauso: Web App Assessment Tool
Needle: Open Source Framework for Testing iOS apps
PSHTT: HTTPS Best Practices Scanner
APTNotes: https://github.com/aptnotes/data
Hipku: http://hipku.gabrielmartin.net/#55-152-139-25
Ponemon AppSec Report Analysis: https://danielmiessler.com/blog/security-report-analysis-ponemon-f5-application-security-report/
Blackhat 2016 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/BlackHatOfficialYT
I’ve learned the difference between copy editing and proofreading. Proofreading is fixing what you’ve written in terms of basic mistakes. Copy Editing is fixing deeper issues like structure, readability, etc.
Total Cost of Asshole: http://www.slideshare.net/dberkholz/assholes-are-killing-your-project
For targets of assholes:
48 percent decreased their effort
47% worked less
38% dropped their quality
66% declined in performance
80% lost time worrying
63% lost time avoiding
78% became less committed
25% quit, and 20% of witnesses quit as well
There’s nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. ~ Peter Druker
Schrodinger’s Backup: The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted.
Ok, that’s it for this episode
Thank you for listening
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See you next time
The intro track is from one of my favorite EDM artists: Zomby. The song is ‘Orion’, and it’s from the ‘With Love’ album. Highly recommended if you like chill EDM.
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