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Michigan lawmakers want life sentence for hacking cars | will that apply to changing the speed of your turn signal?
SWIFT to get update after Bangladesh hack
NSA is so overwhelmed with data that it’s no longer effective
FBI now saying they don’t know how the hack worked
US Cyber Command is hacking ISIS (cyber bombs)
Millions of Spotify credentials appear online
SAML assertion problem with O365 exposes users’ accounts
SF now has highest per capita property crime rate in the US | A law made it a misdemeanor, but there’s also the forced proximity of very rich with very poor
Gartner says IoT Security market will reach $840 million by 2020
I summarized the Verizon DBIR report (read some of it)
Top web hacking techniques of 2015
GitHub dorking to hack Slack accounts | xoxb is the prefix of some of the tokens | slack has addressed it
Budget approval sought for training cybersecurity troops
List of top web hacks from 2015
Minecraft hacked with 7M passwords leaked
Nokia buys Withings for 320M
Driverless trucks coming, will automate millions of jobs | you can drive non-stop, you can drive at optimum speeds instead of faster because of human incentives | safety | etc; it’s a no-win situation for humans
Customer services is moving to text-based apps, which will eventually be voice-based
Drones are the new UFOs
Microsoft experimenting with DNA storage, promising something like 1 billion terabytes per gram
Ubuntu 16.10 will be called Yakkety Yak
Google rolling out IFTTT support on its OnHub router
Apple interview questions
Mindfulness therapy works as well as antidepressant drugs according to major study
House panel votes to make women register for the draft
McKinsey says investments won’t do nearly as well over the next 20 years as the past generation
Twitter should become the new Disqus (article)
Comcast buying Dreamworks for 3.8 billion
Marissa Mayer gets 55M to leave Yahoo
The small number of atoms in the universe, vs. the large number of combinations in the universe | number of atoms in the observable universe is 10^80, and the number of possible combinations on a Go board is 10^170 | number of things are additive, while the combinations of things are multiplicative | intuitions are bad at this scale
Why you can’t lose weight by exercising, via 60 studies
Teen birthrates way down, especially among hispanics and blacks
Happiness genes located in largest study of its kind
Amazon shares go up due to fourth profitable quarter
Universe likely littered with dead civilizations
Psychopathic tendencies associated with creativity | Wisdom of the psychopath
AI assistants are the future of computer interaction. I’m going to do a full dedicated episode on the real IoT soon
Two things as the basis for human happiness: Giving Love, and Adding Value
Weasel shuts down CERN | the original bugs are external, not internal
InfoSec tools
CANsee Auto IDS to be released at HITB security conference next month
JPEXS for decompiling Flash apps
Scape It | https://github.com/IonicaBizau/scrape-it
SCADA CIP – https://github.com/ayushman4/SCADA-CIP-Discovery
How to Execute Modern Incident Response | IR is one of the most cost-effective things you can do, merges technical and non-technical resources, people who hunt have a better chance of finding things | start with a good definition, use technology increase visibility, nurture relationships to avoid silos, move from incidents to continuous IR, move to reduce the three gaps: DETECTION, TRIAGE, and REMEDIATION
Presenting at BlackHat Arsenal in Vegas this year
Speaking at SOURCE Boston on the KARMA risk rating methodology
I’ll be at DerbyCon
Learn from the NSA: sometimes there is such a thing as too much data or too much analysis. Figure out what you can process before you spin up more data collection. This applies to risk assessment if you’re in security
If you have issues with depression, I suggest looking into exercise and mindfulness; it’s a powerful combination by all accounts
Watch for messaging apps to become the new big thing, followed by their being controlled by AI and voice
If you’re not following L2Inc, make that change
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. —Ernest Hemingway
The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury. — Marcus Aurelius
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. — Theodore Roosevelt
Thank you for listening, see you next time
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The intro track is from one of my favorite EDM artists: Zomby. The song is ‘Orion’, and it’s from the ‘With Love’ album. Highly recommended if you like chill EDM.
Please let me know what you think of the new show concept.
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