University Regret

May 5, 2005

Over the last few months I’ve found myself on more than a few occasions feeling somewhat inferior less superior due to the fact that I didn’t go to a "good school".

I don’t regret anything, per say, as I am more than ecstatic about where I am in terms of my career, and my life in general. It’s just that I think it would have been really cool to start college at 18 and finish at 22, and more importantly — at a badass school.

Just for the record, here are the three that I’d like to have gone to:

  1. Cal Tech

  2. U.C. Berkeley

  3. Cal State Hayward

[ NOTE: Reading this in 2015 my schools would have been Stanford, Berkeley, and then Caltech. It would have been nice to go straight from high school to Stanford, but looking back I just don’t see how it would have been possible. I can dream of being associated with Stanford in the future through non-standard means, however. And that is my goal. ]

Each of these three schools are particularly special for me, and each for different reasons. So anyway, yeah…if I had it to do over again…

There’s still hope for me I suppose; I could always do an advanced degree at a really nice institution. Perhaps not one of these three, but a nice one nonetheless.