Uber’s CEO Would Buy 500 Thousand Driverless Teslas to Power His Company

June 28, 2015

Source: Rise of the RoboCar: Uber CEO Says He’d Buy 500k Self-Driving Cars From Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

If you thought Uber was anti-driver now, wait until he replaces them all by using cars that don’t need them.

The future is coming faster than people think, and the biggest impact is going to be removing the need for human work.

Remember that the #1 impact to business profit is usually their human workforce, and that business leaders are perpetually looking for ways to eject that expense.

The picture of the future is a strange one. It’s maximum profits for companies like Uber, but with increasingly few people having jobs.

So who’s going to buy the Uber rides when very few people have jobs to pay for anything. And forget transportation–what about shelter and food?

The more human-less our society becomes, the more profit will go to the top and the more the bottom 80% of people in the world will lose their jobs. The classes will separate even more violently than they are now.

There couldn’t be a better time for the Basic Income conversation, and for the broader populist message being put forth by Bernie Sanders and people like him.

He won’t get elected. He won’t even get close. But he will hopefully raise awareness around how screwed the average person is about to become.