Money in Politics: Representing people in government is public service. Politicians should be locked in at upper-middle-class through a great salary and complete services for their entire families, and should not be allowed ANY affiliation with private companies until 10 years after leaving office. Going forward with a new policy, violators of this sacred trust should be labeled as traitors and criminals, and publicly humiliated while they rot in prison. If you’re in healthcare, charity, religion, or public service to make money or gain power, you are an evil person.
China: Their government steals from (and hacks) the world with impunity, and their tourists disrespect and abuse every place they visit. The entire world should tell them they’re assholes, and that we’re not going to do business with them anymore, and that their tourists will be ejected from the country for doing dumb shit (like standing on the moss in Icelandic lava fields).
Redefining Success: Our country is failing because we have adopted profit as our National Core Value. Instead of measuring economic growth, the amount of things we bought and sold, etc, we need to be measuring the average happiness and success of our middle class. Measure their healthcare stability, measure their retirement health, measure their average education level, measure their employment satisfaction and opportunity. Measure these things and you have started to approach a metric that matters. Until then we’re basically taking weight measurements of malignant tumors, and giving high health marks to those who have bigger ones.
Gay Marriage: People loving each other should not be on our top 500 list of problems. Telling people they’re inferior for being what they are, should be. Legalize universally, and enact equality at the civil level. As people who believe the creator of the universe is talking to them, religious people can do what they want.
Cannabis: It’s a fucking plant, and it’s far less dangerous than alcohol according to everyone everywhere who doesn’t have a brain injury. Legalize and regulate, just like other vices.
Education: Yes, it’s the government’s job to educate its population. Yes, that sounds like big government. The alternative is a nation full of idiots who don’t care about politics, don’t vote, and basically are citizens in name alone. This equals the destruction of the country, so, yeah, education is your problem. It’s the government’s problem. It’s everyone’s problem.
Healthcare: If you are trying to become rich off of giving the population basic healthcare, you are an unpatriotic criminal. Healthcare, like education, and public safety, and a clean environment, is part of a healthy society. Not having it isn’t a political issue, it’s a stupidity issue. Americans love Switzerland and hate big government, because they’re stupid.
Guns: Responsible and law-abiding citizens should be allowed to carry guns wherever they are likely to be needed for their own safety, and where doing so would not massively reduce public safety. So, maybe fewer guns for young males and people in bars. Basically, follow the data to logical gun policy that increases safety while maximizing the freedom of responsible adults.
Environment: The earth is not yours. It belongs to everyone (that especially applies to you, China). The sun’s energy is stored in dinosaur bones, and greedy people are pulling it out of the earth thousands of years at a time and burning it into our atmosphere. When mother earth gets home, she’s going to be pissed, and there will be repercussions. You’ve been warned.
Mental Health: There aren’t any good jobs for 60% of the population. Education is expensive and increasingly exclusive. The previously-known-as-middle-class needs to work three jobs just to keep their children alive, and that schedule doesn’t allow time for either parent to raise them. So kids grow up not being raised, with no education, and no chance for respectable employment. What could go right? So yeah, expect lots more public shootings. It’s what you get for thinking education, healthcare, and livable wages "aren’t your problem". Unsupervised Learning — Security, Tech, and AI in 10 minutes… Get a weekly breakdown of what's happening in security and tech—and why it matters.
Abortion: The suffering of an unborn child is non-existent compared to that of a lifetime of suffering for a child/teenager/adult who is not well-loved and well-raised. If you don’t find that compelling, then you probably think you have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe.
Religion: I don’t know how this universe of 200 billion galaxies started, and neither do you. If you insist that you do, and try to convince me of this using magic books that have rules for not worshiping idols but no rules for protecting children or admonishing slavery, I will mock you.
Working Wages: The definition of a healthy society is where one parent can work while the other stays home to raise children. Sick time, healthcare, vacations, and retirement are all part of the deal for anyone working a full-time job. If there aren’t any of those jobs, or there are only enough for a few people, then you don’t have a healthy society. Expect failure at a mass scale in 2-5 decades.
Immigration: Communities flourish when they are unified. America is not unified. We’re importing millions of people who fucking hate each other, and then relying on clueless white liberals to somehow fix that fact. Read the Putman research: communities with diverse values and beliefs are shitty communities. We need one set of core values and beliefs. Race doesn’t matter; values and beliefs do. If you don’t want to be the Former United States you better figure out what you believe in and make sure everyone here agrees. Hint: the shared value cannot be, "Maintain your values instead of adopting America’s, and wait until the resources are depleted."
Nation Building: "Do or do not, there is no try." We have to stop wasting trillions of dollars, and countless lives, trying (a little bit) to help places that barely classify as countries. You can’t go into a place where half the population hates the other half, where there’s no education, no jobs, and no infrastructure, and dump a few million to fix things. Fly the fucking UN banner, build the schools, give the people a decent and secular re-education, and plan on running the country for a few decades. Do that, or do nothing. You can’t save them from themselves without a full commitment. Any country in the Middle East with a dictator is, by definition, unable to function without that dictator.
Terrorism: Domestically, find the large bodies of people who live in the country that don’t agree with the core principles, and ship them out. Similarly, stop allowing them to come in. If your country believes in equality and happiness and secular humanist ideals, don’t allow people to live there who hate those ideals and live there only for what they can take from it. Then, simultaneously engage in REAL nation building and merciless hunting and destruction of terrorism. Foster happiness, and extinguish those dedicated to destroying it for others.
Libertarians: Libertarians are those who look at the suffering of around 6.5 billion people and say, "Not my problem." This should NEVER intersect with a good religious person, by the way, as that should be someone who looks at that same suffering 6.5 billion and says, "What can I do RIGHT NOW to help." If you ever see someone proclaiming to be both a good religious person, while not giving a flying fuck about 90% of the world’s population, there’s something wrong.
When I talk about mocking religious people I mean very specifically that the ideas should be mocked, intellectually, in intellectual contexts. In personal and everyday contexts, this should never happen. Not only is it not effective, but it’s not nice. Find a way to fight superstition without being an asshole.
Being American this is somewhat focused on the United States in places.
Everyone has an inside voice. This is mine on a particularly honest and clear day. Don’t think I hate everyone or everything I express anger about here. I don’t.