First, answer two questions:
What is our country? What defines it? What parts could not be removed without it becoming something different? If a country has not identified what it truly is, it will have no way of knowing if it has lost itself.
Do we have the cohesion and political strength to defend this identity? Are we too cowardly to acknowledge the fact that we love what we are, and that we don’t want it to change? If so, we are already doomed.
Once these two questions have been answered in the positive, a single, all-encompassing concept must be established and accepted by all as the foundation for all immigration policy. When a country begins to enjoy surging immigration numbers it should take this as a compliment to, and an affirmation of, its chosen system of management. The act of moving from one place to another is a clear declaration of:
As such, allowing incoming populations to modify the existing system puts at risk the very set of conditions that made the receiving country desirable in the first place. Any country that fails to define and defend this identity is doomed to become a collection of countries rather than a strong, unified entity benefiting from the myriad advantages of diversity.: