As George Bush hopefully taught us, it doesn’t matter if you think you’re doing good when you commit acts that suffering to millions of people. George Bush thought he was being Ronald Reagan, and that he’d be a hero. He was wrong, and he commited evil.
It’s the same with the Catholic Church. They think they’re doing a good thing by putting the literal fear of God into people who consider contraception. But the truth is that there is no God, and they’re just plainly causing the suffering of millions by bringing them into a world where they are virtually guaranteed to live lives of pain.
The folks at The Onion, as they often do, captured this in a brilliant headline:
I grow tired of religion’s free pass. It’s a hinderance to progress at best, and an outright cause of suffering at worst. It’s true that many enlightened people have found ways to strip their religion of its wickedness and build their own patchwork version that has some merits, but this fact doesn’t vindicate the evil that’s done in the name of most religion.
Is the Middle East better off because of religion? Latin America? Africa?
No. They’re worse off. Superstition retards the acceptance of truth and reason, and it’s time for the liberals of the world to shut the fuck up and stop allowing people to exponentially multiply their own suffering on account of their "personal choice". If people are ignorant enough to chase townsfolk down and beat them to death for being "witches", in the year 2009, then they aren’t making a "choice" to be ignorant any more than a child is making a choice to play in traffic.
And in both cases, if we actually care (vs. just saying we do), we should stop them from doing so. ::