The Only Two New Years Resolutions You Need

December 20, 2012

Work on that instead of new years resolutions.

Anyway, enough with the good cheer. If you absolutely must do resolutions, here are the two that you want.

  1. Call the people who matter to you and tell them you care about them. Put time on the calendar to be with them. Don’t say, "Let’s get together". Bollocks to that. Tell them that they matter to you, and show it by making actual plans to share time with them.

  2. Enable a cloud-based backup solution for your most important digital items. You have many pictures, and someday the people in those pictures will not be around. The fact that your hard drive has not died yet is keeping you from caring. Stop it. Care before you lose them. Theft, fire, computer failure–all these things can take from you what you’ll then realize are your most valuable possessions. Take. Action. I like Backblaze, but there are many out there.

So, if you must subscribe to the concept of new years resoultions (which I don’t recommend), do these two before anything else. The people in your life, and your memories you had with them, are the most valuable things we have, and if you take these two actions you’ll be both creating more memories and protecting them as well.