The No Recognition for Violence (NRV) Campaign

October 4, 2015

It’s not easy to stop discarded people from becoming violent. But maybe there is something we can do to make it less attractive to those who are thinking about it.

We refuse to say their name.

There are already plenty of news organizations that do this as a matter of course. They talk about the heroes instead of the assailant, since fame is what he wanted and makes others more likely to try to emulate him.

But it’s not a named thing. It’s not a movement. And too many people break the picket line and use the attackers’ names anyway.

So let’s call it something, permanently, and apply pressure to media outlets to uphold it. We can think of something better, but it should be something like NRV, for No Recognition for Violence.

And we shame and refuse to consume the media groups that refuse to honor the campaign.

There are millions of damaged young men out there thinking about being the next attacker, and every time they hear the previous guy’s name it makes them more sure they’re going to do it.

This doesn’t mean we should stop with other reforms, but it’s something we can do right now.