The Highest Stage of Human Awareness

July 2, 2009

The highest form of human awareness comes through a number of realizations and stages of acceptance regarding the nature of human existence.

  1. There is no free will, as the seemingly complex goings-on of our lives are little more than pseudo-deterministic patterns being woven into time.

  2. There is, therefore, no objective good and evil. Heroes deserve no praise, and criminals deserve no punishment.

  3. Any meaning we create in life is just that–created. Meaning is not native to our material world; it must be conjured and subscribed to in order for it to take shape.

  4. The subsequent embrace of our manifested meaning is a willful engagement in delusion, and this engagement is necessary only due to the frailty of our human psyche.

1000 years from now (and hopefully much sooner) this will be as widely accepted as germ theory is today. The currently popular set of beliefs, i.e. that we attain true meaning from God (or from anything else) will be just as absurd to the thinkers of the distant future as is the once-held belief that sickness was caused by demon possession.

Remarkably, the latter may be a less severe mischaracterization of reality than our current interpretations of morality and meaning. ::