Remember during the election when we were all talking about who was fighting for what? Remember how Obama was claiming the Republicans were trying to cut social security and medicare and such? And the Republicans were coming back and saying that it was Obama trying to do this, and that they wouldn’t think of it?
Yeah, I remember that. Also recall the whole Romney bit about not being for the rich, but for the MIDDLE CLASS. How many times did he say that? Too many, to be sure.
Well, it’s all quite funny now because it’s being exposed as a fraud right before our eyes.
We’re trying to come to an agreement on how to get our fiscal house in order, and each side is stuck on a few things. Here’s what Obama is saying:
We have to raise taxes on the top 2%.
We cannot cut social security
We cannot cut medicare
But he will cut x, y, z by so and so amount.
Ok, that’s his proposal. They laughed at it. Here’s what THEY proposed (relative to Obama’s plan):
Lower the taxes on the top 2%
Raise the taxes on the middle class.
Cut social security.
Cut medicare.
Get rid of charitable deductions
Are you fucking joking me? You just got done running a campaign about how nice you are to the middle class, and how you’re not for the rich alone, and the moment it comes to money the real you shows. Keep the millionaires and billionaires from paying more in taxes, and pay for it out of the middle class, the elderly, and the charitable groups.
Un. Believable.
No shame, these guys. No shame. And they do it in broad daylight. And show their faces on TV. It’s downright criminal. But their gutting of education is paying off, because most people are too stupid to even notice it’s happening. Do they not see how flagrantly OPPOSITE to the campaign this is?
Do they not see that exactly what Obama said was happening is how happening? Obama says, "They’re tricking you. They’re hucksters. They’re lying. They don’t care about you." And half the country says he’s a crazy Kenyan who’ll say anything to get re-elected. Great.
And now everything he said is happening. They’re trying to gut the middle to make the top happy.
Ah, but don’t believe me. Watch yourself. Look at what the Republicans are proposing. Look at what Obama is fighting for. It’s PRECISELY what he stood up for in the campaign. Social security, medicare, seniors, charitable groups. He’s doing what he said he would, and the Republicans are doing the opposite of what they said they’d do.
I really hope the public wakes up and sees the GOP for what they are. Thieving puppeteers wielding the masses against themselves.