I’m not sure how many agree, but all things being equal I think a male teacher having sex with an underage female student is far worse than the opposite. And I’m talking about near-age kids here — not young children.
I just find it amazing that society doesn’t realize that a 16 or 17-year-old boy having sex with his hottie teacher is going to be far less debilitating to him than some girl of the same age having the same thing happen. To me it’s just not the same.
I think the reason for this is that our society is still setup in a very traditional way, i.e. males tend to be sexually aggressive (and therefore more likely to seekout sexual adventure) than women. I mean, even the anatomy issue lends to the idea of "the man doing it to the woman".
Maybe it’s callous to say, but when I think of this happening to a girl I imagine her friends saying, "Wow, are you ok?" But with the boy his friends are more likely to be like, "Nicely done, dude." That’s a joke, but it’s not. I just don’t see too many boys being "traumatized" by having sex with their teachers.
I realize it’s still bad, and that it should never be condoned, but society should be honest and acknowledge the fact that this type of thing happening to a boy vs. a girl is fundamentally different. I’m not sure how that should play out legally or what not, but it should be taken into account.