[ NOTE: These book summaries are designed as captures for what I’ve read, and aren’t necessarily great standalone resources for those who have not read the book. Their purpose is to ensure that I capture what I learn from any given text, so as to avoid realizing years later that I have no idea what it was about or how I benefited from it. ]
Set a limit to your actions so that you’re forced to decide what’s important
When you set limits you force yourself to get maximum results with minimal resources
Setting limits increases focus
Focus on one thing at a time; multi-tasking is a myth
Creating new and productive habits is the best thing you can do to improve you life
Start small with your new habits
Simple goals and projects
Create MITS (most important tasks)
Do your MITs before anything else
In the morning you need to start consistent with breakfast, exercise, MITs
Slow down
Health and fitness
You don’t need to dive into new things 1000% because it could burn you out; keep it fun
[ Find my other book summaries here. ]