Social Micropayments

May 13, 2015

I’ve liked a company called Flattr for a while now. It’s a platform for paying content publishers (usually bloggers) a very small amount of money, depending on how many people you give to.

So if you have a $10/month limit set up, and you Flattr 10 different articles, then each author will receive a dollar. If you only like one article that month, the author will receive the entire $10.

I think we should all have this enabled, at all times, and everyone should be able to receive money in this way.

I want to be able to gesture at something, or someone, or even just vocally give it some appreciation, and have that translate to some of my daily karma (tied to money in this case) go to that content.

So it could be someone who helps someone across the street. Or someone who supports someone on Twitter. Or a great picture on Flickr. Or a funny joke told by a stranger at the deli.

I also like it for donations. I want to gesture and give money to Nepal. I want to donate to Kickstarter campaigns. I want to contribute to funds for expensive surgeries. Whatever.

And maybe I am only giving a few cents on each gesture. But I make several dozen of them per day. Or maybe certain gestures or motions or voice commands will dump all funds for the day, or even the month.

I think it’d be a good thing for society, though. I like the idea of making the karma and goodwill transfer more tangible. More real.