Many have been hearing a lot about Ron Paul lately — have heard some things they like — but aren’t sure exactly where he stands on the issues. Well, he’s actually a real candidate now. He’s not some random, fringe guy anymore. He’s winning straw polls, he’s making it onto mainstream media outlets, and he’s getting people involved.
Here’s a collection of some of the main points of interest about him and his beliefs. This is why he’s so appealing, and why he’s starting to worry the competition.
He’s a conservative libertarian who’s running as a traditional republican, i.e. he’s for small federal government, individual liberty, and states rights.
He’s for re-implementing the gold standard so that our money actually means something again.
He’s a medical doctor (M.D.), served as a flight surgeon in the Air Force, and is an active congressman from Texas.
He’s known for impeccable honesty and for not flip-flopping on issues.
He is pro-life, but doesn’t think the federal government should have any say in legalizing or banning abortion.
He doesn’t believe gay marriage is a Federal issue either, and thinks they should stay out of it.
He’s also against capital punishment for the same reason he’s pro-life (he’s pro-life).
He’s for lowering taxes.
He introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.
Supports the medical use of cannabis (marijuana).
Believes in allowing the hemp industry to thrive.
Doesn’t believe in the effectiveness of a "war on drugs".
He doesn’t participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He wants to get out of other peoples’ business and focus on our own problems.
He is against the Iraq war, and always was. He wants us to come home as soon as possible.
He’s serious about fixing the immigration problem.
He believes in, and has voted consistently for, an open and free Internet.
He strongly supports the concepts of privacy and personal freedom laid out by the forefathers of this country, and would rigorously defend Habeus Corpus.
He’s strongly pro-second-ammendment.
He also supports property rights and the eminent domain, meaning the government shouldn’t be allowed to simply confiscate people’s land and homes out of greed.
My point to those of you reading this is simple — get involved this time around. 2008 is the year for you to participate, and the best way you can do that is by wielding the Internet to share ideas.
There are so many of us out there who bitch and moan and don’t do anything about it. We have representation in congress and in the senate, but we don’t contact them. Many of us don’t even vote. Well it’s time to get involved. There is momentum behind the little guys with big ideas this time. Let’s not waste it.
If Ron Paul is the type of candidate that actually inspires within you a glimmer of hope in our democracy, the way he does in me and many others, I ask you to please pass this link, the sources below, his videos on YouTube, etc. on to others. Watch the debates, learn about the candidates, get involved.
If we fail, we fail. But at least we will have tried. We can’t complain about a failed democracy in which we never participated. Please participate.:
Ron Paul Website
The Political Positions of Ron Paul
Austrian Economic Theory
The Ron Paul Archives