The Real Internet of Things: Summary of Concepts

December 30, 2017

These are published chapters from my book The real Internet of Things, published on January 1st, 2017.

We covered a lot of ideas here, so let’s just review the main points.

  • There are basic trends in technology that we can see crystallizing: centralized to peer-to-peer, forced to natural, obvious to invisible, manual to automatic, periodic to continuous, scheduled to realtime, private to open, visual to multi-sensory, aggregated to curated, and designed to evolved.

  • Objects, including humans, will become their own authoritative sources of truth for information about them through a concept called Universal Daemonization.

  • Universal Daemonization will allow for realtime data gathering about objects in the world at nearly any scale.

  • Daemonization will be bi-directional, allowing for the updating of, pushing to, and issuing of commands to other objects.

  • Because humans will not be able to parse and interact with billions of daemons, Digital Assistants will perform this task for them.

  • Digital Assistants or Advocates (DAs) will work to optimize the life of their principals continuously, without rest, 24/7/365, and in multiple threads.

  • Our DAs will use AI to subtly alter their principals’ interface to the world, giving them better knowledge and providing interfaces for modification.

  • All requests made from your daemon will be made as a centralized identity, and third parties will validate that it was truly you that made those requests.

  • Our daemons will display numerous reputation scores about us which are also validated by third parties.

  • Our DAs will constantly customize our experiences around us by modifying what things look like, how they’re configured, and how we experience them, through transparent daemon interaction. Unsupervised Learning — Security, Tech, and AI in 10 minutes… Get a weekly breakdown of what's happening in security and tech—and why it matters.        

  • Constantly improving algorithms will be connected to the billions (then trillions) of sensors in the world, and they will constantly parse reality into events and data that are meaningful to humans that can then be shared with various entities.

  • Our DAs will use whatever resources they have (thousands of eyes and ears) to monitor us, our loved ones, and our valuables for safety and security.

  • Our DAs will functionally grant us superpowers through the enhancement of our sight, hearing, and many other sense types that we don’t even naturally possess.

  • Businesses will become daemonized forms of their core algorithms, and the primary consumers of these business daemons will not be humans themselves, but rather their DAs using the services on behalf of their principles.

  • People will broadcast their third-party-validated capabilities through their daemons, and this peer-to-peer infrastructure will represent the future of finding and securing work.

  • The four ways of gathering and using data will be: realtime data from objects, transferring that data, analyzing the data using algorithms, and then presenting it in some useful way.

  • The combination of machine learning and evolutionary algorithms will not only improve our ability to learn about the world, but will improve our ability to improve that ability.

  • This will culminate in a framework that allows humankind to systematically define its goals, study reality in realtime using AI, and then make optimizations to our behavior that best lead to our desired outcomes.

  • Daemonization will ultimately allow humans to reduce their reliance on large, abstracted institutions and instead look to each other for their needs.