The Real Internet of Things: Peer-to-peer Value Exchange

December 30, 2017

These are published chapters from my book The real Internet of Things, published on January 1st, 2017.

We’ve talked about how the future of work is largely person-to-person interaction mediated by a daemon-powered tech layer, but the peer-to-peer model goes far beyond employment.

What daemonized peer-to-peer really enables is less reliance on centralized institutions.

If you are in need of medical attention and there are 38,761 people within one square kilometer, it may not make sense to call on a centralized authority to provide that service. What if, upon injuring your leg in an accident, your DA could simply beacon out to nearby people. Less than 90 seconds later someone with the proper training, equipment, credentials, and ratings shows up and provides assistance. A micropayment of currency, appreciation, and a high rating is sent from daemon to daemon and the two people go on their way.

The same will apply to safety. Imagine a woman walking alone in a dangerous area and receiving a notification from her DA:

It’s not safe here. I’m getting you some company.

Within a few seconds she’s joined by three other people on the street (outlined in green within her view) who smile and walk with her to her destination. There is another exchange of appreciation, smiles, and/or currency, which is reflected on both sides.

Now think of how this could apply to building homes, providing fresh and healthy food, and many other core human needs. Institutions will still have a role, of course, but we the people are in fact the ultimate institution.

Daemonization will allow us to provide ourselves with what in the past needed to be abstracted. It’s bottom-up vs. top-down at the ultimate scale.