Our Government Isn’t Failing Us. Our People Are.

April 5, 2008

Excerpts from an article about Obama. This is what happens when you interview "average" Americans.

I’m too angry to write right now. These fucking mouthbreathers make me violent. I want to shake these people until the stupid falls out.

Listen very carefully. Our government isn’t causing our country to fail. That’s an illusion. It’s these people. They are the reason America is falling. You can’t have a quality republic if the people are too ignorant to participate. The republic will look like its people, and that’s the problem. It does.

Don’t ever blame the government unless you advocate a government style capable of doing what it takes to maintain a minimum level of quality within a population. See Finland, Sweden, Norway. Without that we have guaranteed outcome — the stupid (see quotes above) will destroy the whole. It’s simply not possible for the ignorant to outbreed the educated and have a positive outcome within a democratic society.

Case in Point: more people in America believe Jesus will return within their lifetimes than believe in evolution. In the year 2008. This country is, without a doubt, finished.: