My First 2600 Meeting

November 8, 2006

Last Friday I went to my first 2600 meeting. It was, of course, here in New York City — home of the original meetings. The group started small and grew to around 40, which the regulars said was a weak showing.

We pushed through the awkwardness (which wasn’t helped by our being dressed in business attire) and were able to mingle pretty easily. I got to speak with one guy who was something of a regular/leader on a range of topics, most noteworthy of which was a brief discussion of assassins-mace weapons.

The main conversation I had was with a very cool guy who does graphic design and has a background in programming. We discussed all kinds of stuff, including how we both hated those who write HTML but don’t take the time to learn how to do so correctly.

Meetings end in the final group going downtown for dinner, which we did. There it was a bit more difficult to blend in because the group was just a bunch of friends. It was pretty clear to me that they were going to raz us when we left because of how we dressed, but I think they might have a few good things to say as well.

Overall it was a really good experience. I intend to go back for the December meeting.