
February 11, 2019

This page is where I collect all my lifestyle-oriented items, meaning material things I enjoy collecting or enjoying in some way. These are things like, watches, cars, beverages, foods, travel locations, restaurants, etc.

The higher version of myself sees this all as terribly shallow and empty, but I think it’s ok to indulge in this mode of living for short periods of time. The trick is to not let it consume you.


My primers on various topics

When I want to learn about something, I gather tons of information and write a summary for myself.

First, I have a collection of basic guides to topics. I wrote these so that I could appreciate the subjects more thoroughly when partaking, and also to not look like a Neandertal when confonted with them in social settings.

My tastes

  • For watches, I have a Rolex Submariner, which is the watch I’ve wanted since my early 20s and finally got as a gift in my 30’s. I now mostly wear my Apple Watch, however, and I doubt I’ll wear another traditional watch until they merge smart capabilities. The next watch I would have purchased would have been the NOMOS Tangente.

  • For cars, I have been an exclusive BMW owner for over 15 years.