The iPhone 6’s Camera Has a Major Flaw

September 24, 2014

Reviews of the cameras on the iPhones 6 (both models) have been overwhelmingly positive. The improved focus capabilities alone have separated the iPhone 6 from its competitors, as poor focus is arguably the primary cause of weak images with phone cameras.

But in reading most of these reviews I noticed one flaw coming up over and over: The iPhone 6 cameras have a serious contrast problem.

The images above and below were taken as part of one particularly excellent review of the iPhone 6 Plus camera, by Improve Photography. They clearly show a washed out look in many nature scenes, and plainly poor results for skin tones.


These images capture it well, but it wasn’t just this review that saw it. I read at least five reviews that talked about the same issue.

The good news is that it seems like an easily fixable software problem. I hope this gets addressed in the first patch for iOS 8, which we expect to see in less than a week.


  1. Another bug that’s been reported numerous places is the shutter speed reduction bug. Apparently the iPhones 6 are much slower at taking subsequent shots (when compared to the 5s) if you repeatedly hit the shutter button. Hopefully they’ll fix that in an update as well.

  2. In case anyone is wondering, I’m an Apple enthusiast. There’s no anti-iPhone bashing going on here.