How NOT To Do American National Security

October 22, 2007

I’ve been watching the Republican presidential debates with increasing unease. Why am I uneasy? Because these people are going to get us killed. It’s amazing how ignorant they are about security.

All we hear from these fools is, "Grow the military." "More weapons." "Better weapons." They want to let Russian and China and Iran know that we can’t be messed with. Can you really be that stupid? Do you not realize that the security model has changed? It’s not about giant armies anymore.

The reason we are in such grave danger now relative to 20 years ago is very simple, and it’s NOT based on the size of our army or the quality of our weapons.

  1. What kept us safe for all these years hasn’t been the robustness of our security, it’s been our LACK of numerous, well-funded enemies.

  2. We’re currently MASSIVELY multiplying our threats while doing relatively nothing to defend against them. The later simply isn’t possible in an open society.

In other words, the ONLY way to increase our safety is to stop creating people that want to hurt us.

Our current security strategy essentially boils down to going around the neighborhood kicking in peoples’ doors, smashing the windows on their cars, and spray-painting our name on their lawns. Then, to become "secure", we run home to our gun collections and shout through an open window with a bullhorn:

This. Model. Won’t. Work. Here’s how the neighborhood responds:

There are simply too many ways to cause us harm. The only way to keep people from doing so is to stop them from wanting to. The sooner someone gets elected that realizes this the better.: