
December 9, 2016


If you got here because you were looking for treats in my root filesystem, you’re a bad person.

Your IP address, DNA snapshot, and cognitive state have been sent to InterPol for processing. Turn off all electronics and go sit in the corner until the authorities arrive.

Just kidding.

It’s all good. I was just wondering how many people are curious enough to check out root directories anymore. Congrats for being one of a very small number.

Never stop being curious—there are too few of us left!


If you got here because of the hint in my headers, then congrats on completing the mini-challenge!

If you’re already established in security then I’ll just tip my hat to you. But if you’re looking to get into the field then reach out to me at daniel@danielmiessler.com and I’ll do what I can to help you get started, meet some people, etc.

Oh, and the same goes for those of you who found it by brute forcing. 🙂
