I’m Hiring a Part-time Researcher

February 5, 2015

I am hiring a part-time researcher to work on a project for me. The project is the following:

  • For every member of congress, list their party and their top 10 donors

  • For every donor, list the top 10 campaigns they donated to, the top issues they lobby congress on, and the top 3 goals they are trying to achieve

  • For every goal (GMO, Anti-Climate Change, Anti-Broadband, etc.) list the top 10 donors that are evangelizing it, and the top 10 campaigns that were donated to in support of it

If it’s not clear from the description above, I’m looking to construct a mapping of goals, to money, to voting records within congress. I want to see and be able to show which interests are in effect controlling lawmaking within our democracy.

This doesn’t have to be new research. If the data already exist somewhere then I’m happy to have this person simply assemble it and make it easily displayable and manipulable. I’m leaning towards Google Docs as the platform.

The rate I’m looking to pay for this is $20/hour, and I imagine that it will take approximately 20 hours to do the work, bringing us to around $400 dollars for the project.

If you are interested in the project, please email me why you want to do it, and link to any similar work you may have done in the past. If you don’t have any, but are sure you can do a phenomenal job on the project, convince me of that.

I’ll be taking the first candidate that fits this description, and there’s a $100 bonus for anyone who can do it in a week.