Make it so Susan doesn’t have to work
Visit all 7 continents (just Antartica needed now)
Take Susan to Bora Bora for two weeks
Visit Iceland
Visit Japan
Write a technical book
Publish a book on how to live better
Write a book
Have my site become a semi-popular source of knowledge that helps people
Achieve a 2000 rating in table tennis
Have the ability to finance week long getaway trips with my close friends
Achieve enough success so that we can have a similar lifestyle without Susan working
Reach and hold a target weight of 220lbs
Master the art of wardrobe
Ensure all my close friends are successful & happy
Read all the classics
Categorize all the classics in my Concepts Project
Complete my Concepts Project
Receive a degree from Stanford
Get a patent for UD
Wing-suit fly
Visit near-earth space
Drink the purest water from a mountain stream (done in Iceland in 2015)
Life six months per year in a secluded cabin, and six months per year in downtown SF or NY
Live like Walden (for a little while)
Have a lake home where I can row in the morning