Book Summary: Fall

July 14, 2019

My book summaries are designed as captures for what I’ve read, and aren’t necessarily great standalone resources for those who have not read the book.Their purpose is to ensure that I capture what I learn from any given text, so as to avoid realizing years later that I have no idea what it was about or how I benefited from it.

My One-Sentence Summary

This book is like someone describing a dream to you, in vivid detail, for around 30 hours. The only respite from that purgatory comes in the form of copious asides that are engineered to make you believe the author is smart, which we already knew.

Content Extraction

  • I thought some parts of the description of the apocalyptic America were interesting

  • I thought some of the tech in the virtual world was interesting


  1. If you are a total fan of Stephenson and you love anything he writes, you might like this book.

  2. Everyone else probably won’t.

  3. I doubt I’ll be reading any more Stephenson.

You can find my other book summaries here.