A @TomNomNom Recon Tools Primer

January 26, 2021

There are recon tools, and there are recon tools.

@tomnomnom—also called Tom Hudson—creates the latter.

I have great respect for large, multi-use suites like Burp, Amass, and Spiderfoot, but I love tools with the Unix philosophy of doing one specific thing really well. I think this granular approach is especially useful in recon.

Related Talk: Mechanizing theMethodology

mechanizing methodology miessler

My talk on granular methodologies at Defcon’s Red Team Village in 2020


  1. Break your methodology into specific questions

  2. Answer each question discretely

  3. Create brutal combinations to accomplish your goals

Tom has built a serious following in the recon community by creating tools that enable this approach, and I’ve seen enough people asking him for tutorials that I thought I’d make a quick primer on a few of my favorites: gf, httprobe, unfurl, meg, anew, and waybackurls.

Let’s get after it!

He writes his tools in Go as well, so they’re wicked fast.


A tour of Tom’s tools (nom nom nom ?)


It’s unrelated to actual grep, but has the same functionality.

gf (grep 4, grep for, grehp-four)


gf basically extends the standard Unix grep concept to include common things a bug hunter might look for. So if you’re hunting for some HTTP oriented PHP stuff, you can do this:

grep -HnrE ‘(\$_(POST|GET|COOKIE|REQUEST|SERVER|FILES)|php://(input|stdin))’ *

Or you an use gf and do it like this:

You can even have gf autocomplete your various patterns.

gf php-sources

And there are tons of pre-made examples, including those for aws-keys, base64, cors, upload fields, and many more.


httprobe (HTTP probe, or HTTP Robe)


Pretty much all these tools are installed via go get -ugithub.com/tomnomnom/$repo.

httprobe answers the basic question of…

For the following domains, which ones are listening on web ports?

cat domains.txt | httprobe -p http:81 -p https:8443

unix philosophy

Part of the UNIX Philosophy

What I love most about httprobe and most of Tom’s tools is that they are truly Unixy. No need to run a standalone tool and obey its specific rules. Any place you get a domain from you can just pipe directly in.

cat domains.txt | httprobe -p http:81 -p https:8443


Depends on the day I’m having.

unfurl (un-FURL, or unfuck-YOU-ARE-EL)


unfurl breaks URLs into their discrete pieces so they can be referenced and targeted in a granular manner.

echo https://sub.example.com/users?id=123&name=Sam | unfurl domains


Isn’t that freaking fucking brilliant! Let’s do another, this time from a file.

You can pass -u to only get unique results.

cat big-url-thingies.txt | unfurl paths


And you can do this for domains, paths, keys, values, keypairs, and even custom formats!

cat urls.txt | unfurl keypairs

You can then grep these for certain sensitive strings in a separate operation.


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meg (MÉHg)


meg combines domains and paths and makes requests at high speed in parallel. So if you have a list of domains that you hope are vulnerable, and a list of paths that would prove interesting (if they exist), you can use meg to request all of those paths on all of those sites.

If you just run meg it’ll request all paths in file ./paths on hosts in file ./hosts, and results are stored in ./out/index.

If you are only interested in certain response codes, you can use the --savestatus switch, like so:

meg –savestatus 200 /robots.txt

Because we passed the robots.txt path on the command line, this command will only look for that path in all hosts instead of looking at ./paths.

I love automated workflows that go off and find me interesting things to poke at manually.

Why is this command cool? Well, for lots of reasons, but the first thing that popped into my mind was using it in conjunction with my Robots Disallowed project, which captures the most common disallowed paths on the internet. I have a curated file in there that includes potentially sensitive paths.

robots disallowed

Some top results from curated.txt

So for any given set of URLs that are in your scope you could keep a handy copy of head -100 curated.txt for your ./paths file, and combine that with --savestatus 200 to pre-seed some juicy targets during a test.


anew (uh-NEW)


anew adds the contents of an input stream to the output—but only if it’s not already there. Do you know how epically awesome this is? Much.

I hereby nominate this for being included by default in Linux.

So let’s say you’ve collected a massive list of vulnerable paths on a bunch of a target’s websites, and you think you found some more using a different process. Well, instead of doing multiple steps of cat, sort, and uniq, you can instead just send the new stuff to the existing stuff.

cat new-cool-shit.txt | anew old-cool-shit.txt

Now, old-cool-shit.txt has both the new and old stuff you wanted, with no duplicates!


waybackurls (WAY-back-you-are-ehls, WAYback-U-Are-els, wayback-Earl’s)


Or at least the ones that wayback saw.

waybackurls goes and finds all the URLs that have ever been part of a target domain. This is super useful for finding stuff that might no longer be indexed, or that might not even exist anymore but could show you something about how the creator/admin thinks.

cat domains.txt | waybackurls > wayback-urls.txt

Or if you wanted to be cool, you could use anew from above to add those to your existing URLs.

One example of the power of chaining.

cat domains.txt | waybackurls | anew urls.txt



Discret, Unixy tools are powerful because they can be combined in extraordinary ways. This is just a quick look at a few of Tom’s tools, which you can find more of here.

  1. gf lets you easily grep for security-sensitive stuff. Link

  2. httprobe checks for webservers on domains. Link

  3. unfurl breaks URLs into their bits and pieces. Link

  4. meg makes combined domain/path requests. Link

  5. anew adds input to an output, if it’s new. Link

  6. waybackurls finds archived URLs for a domain. Link

Hat tip to @tomnomnom for the great work, and I hope he becomes an example for others to create small, useful utilities that can become part of complex workflows.


  1. You can mostly ignore the pronounciation bits. I was just being silly.

  2. Half of these tools should seriously be included in major Linux distros. And I mean, like, pre-installed in /usr/bin/. Who do I need to talk to? Somebody find me a manager.