CapitalizationWriting the first letter of a word in uppercase, and the rest of the letters in lowercase.
Title CaseAll words are capitalized, except non-initial articles like "a, the, and", etc. Used for…um, titles.
lowercaseAll letters in all words are lowercase.
Sentence caseCapitalization just like a standard English sentence, e.g. "The damn has broken." Many sub-titles use this case format.
ALL CAPSAll letters in every word are capitalized. Used for extreme emphasis and considered rude when used over the Internet.
SMALL CAPSOnly capital letters are used for all letters in all words, but the letters are the size of lowercase letters of the font, not the uppercase.
CamelCaseWords are written without spaces, and the first letter of each word is capitalized. Also called Upper Camel Case or Pascal Casing.
lowerCamelCaseA variation of Camel Case in which the fist letter of the word is lowercase, e.g. iPhone, iPad, etc.
SNAKE_CASEPunctuation is removed and spaces are replaced by a single underscore. Can be done with either upper or lowercase, but whichever is used should continue to be used.
LeetSubstitutes numbers for some letters that are most similar, e.g. 3’s for E’s, 1’s for I’s, etc.
StudlyCaps or StickyCapsRandom capitalization within a word, or sometimes nonrandom capitalization, but not where it should be, e.g. cAPITALIZING the wrong part of a word because the CAPS LOCK is on.