A Letter to a GOP Family Member Who is Against Obamacare

June 29, 2012


Basically, the role of the government is to provide for our welfare, to see that we flourish, etc. Note this part of the constitution:

Notice that from a GOP perspective even public schooling is anti-American in that it wasn’t guaranteed explicitly in the founding documents and it’s inherently…um, socialist. Are you against public schooling?

The same goes for public fire departments and police departments. It’s quite socialist to rely on other peoples’ tax money to save YOUR house when there’s a fire. Yet both public schooling and public safety are plainly good for America. Why? Because they improve the quality of life of the general population. See again the "promotion of the general welfare" above.

Now, with respect to healthcare we have an absolute atrocity taking place in our country at the hands of greedy, self-interested, take-everything-you-can-get-away-with insurance companies and the billionaires that run them. They are profiting at the expense of the people–it’s that simple.

People who are fighting healthcare reform are basically fighting for their right to go bankrupt if their kid gets sick.

We ticket people for not wearing a seatbelt. Why? And why is it accepted? Because we know that people dying is not good for the public welfare. So we discourage the dangerous behavior for the greater good. As a result, it’s much safer to drive. Same with car seats: they save babies.

This is no different for healthcare. The government is trying to encourage people do what they should already be doing. Just like requiring that they send their kids to school, that they put their kids in car seats, and a ton of other things that are complete common sense when there are tens of millions of people who would suffer without the law.

If your answer is that we shouldn’t have to police people in this way, that’s great. I agree. But we do have to. Because we are a kind, compassionate group of people who realize that some people need more help than others.

It’s not moral, and I dare say not "Christian" to promote the idea that if you’re too stupid to take your kids to school, or to put your kid in a car seat, or to get health insurance, then you deserve to suffer. That’s not accurate. It’s not kind. It’s not American. It’s not what Jesus taught. And it’s beneath you.

I ask you to deeply reconsider your position.

