I’m one of those people who worry about how much radiation I’m absorbing (especially into my head) via my cell phone. As such, I have been thinking about a good way to study how dangerous (or not) cell phones and two-way radios and the like are to humans. Well, I think I have a good study group.
Police officers.
Based on my experience, the average police officer has roughly 47 gadgets that emit radio waves in their cars and/or on their person. They’re usually simultaneously using like 8 of them.
What better group of people to study for long-term effects of radio waves shooting through the body? I’m thinking — the effects to their short and long-term memory, cancer rates, etc. They could do a large study: tons of cities, and tons of granularity in the data collected. Number of devices, type of device, radar detector in the car? What kind? Cell phones? What band do they operate on? How long were they used? Were headsets used? What kind of two-way radio was used? The lower 400 Mhz range, or the newer 800 band? Etc, etc.
The idea here is that this would be the group that’s guaranteed to show ill-effects from this radiation — assuming there is any ill-effect. Or, to put it another way, if this group does not show long-term, tangible side effects associated with radio-based radiation, then I think we can safely conclude that casual use of similar types of devices/frequencies is probably not overly dangerous.
Anyway, just a thought.