I recently converted (from TextMate) to using vim for all of my text editing, and it turns out there are a number of places where knowing your vim strokes can help you.
Vimium is a Chrome extension that allows you to use vim commands to control your browser. It’s stunning how fast browsing can be when using vim commands to navigate. Here’s what it gives you:
H : Go back in history
L : Go forward in history
K, gt : Go one tab right
J, gT : Go one tab left
t : Create new tab
x : Close current tab
X : Restore closed tab
? : Show help
j : Scroll down
k : Scroll up
h : Scroll left
l : Scroll right
gg : Scroll to the top of the page
G : Scroll to the bottom of the page
ctrl-u : Scroll half a page up
ctrl-d : Scroll half a page down
ctrl-f : Scroll a full page down
ctrl-b : Scroll a full page up
Others (see help)
Google Reader allows you to navigate using a number of vim and vim-like commands:
j and l : next/previous item
: go home
: go to all items
: go to starred items
: go to tag selector
: go to popular items
As it turns out, Google loves vim (they did hire Bram Moolenaar after all), and they allow you to jump forward and backward in YouTube videos using vim commands as well.
: seek backward 10 seconds
: seek forward 10 seconds
The more places you can use the same commands the better, which is why I switched to vim in the first place. If you know of any other applications that use vim functionality, let me know so I can post an update here.